Friday, May 3, 2013


Explain how you created the Zoo Movie.  Name the application(s) you used and the task(s) you performed.  
  • I used photo-story and used one picture with multiple crops and transitions and i also added words. 
 What images did you use?  
  • I used a image of a Gray Wolf six times the same picture every time.
 How did you enhance the slides?  
  • By adding various transitions and animations and cropping. 
 What motions and transitions did you select?  
  • I used fade in and outs, slides across. 
 Where did you get the music?  
  • I got my music form photo story.
 Why did you select the music that you did?
  •  I like the way it sounded with the way my slides transitioned and with my pictures

Why did we use Photo Story to make this movie? 
  • We used Photo Story because it automatically made it into a movie.  
 What's unique about using this application?  
  • It turns your pictures into movies, you can crop your pictures, add animations and transitions and you never have to leave the page.
 Was it easy to use?  What's the purpose of putting a Zoo page on Snowed Inn? 
  •  Yes
 What's the purpose of putting a Zoo page on Snowed Inn? 
  • To let the people that we are advertising to know that there is a zoo at Snowed Inn.
What appeal does your movie have on the prospective visitor at the Inn?
  •  That their kids can enjoy themselves at the zoo while the are at Snowed Inn on vacation.
What worked well for this assignment?
  •   We were able to use the animals and recoding that we already had and we were able to use information we already had.
What didn't work well?
  •  Everything worked.
  How would you do it differently?
  •  I would use different pictures of the same animal instead of the same picture six times.
  What other elements could be added to this web page to enhance the content? 
  •  There should be more affects added.
 Could you create this again, faster and easier?  Why?  
  •  Yes because i know what i an doing and i understand better.
 Could you train a novice to make this movie?
  • Yes.

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