Friday, May 3, 2013


  •  Process

-I created this Zoo Movie with Photostory. I used images from Kid's Biology and I enhanced my slides my using transitions and I changed the font and color of everything in the slides. I got the music from the global folder and I selected that music because it fit the mood of the Photostory.

  • Purpose 
 -We used Photo Story to create this movie because we were trying out different applications and ways to make movies and this was one of them. I personally think it's the best way to make a movie on a computer application. It's unique because instead of editing slides, you're editing pictures. It was extremely easy to use. The purpose of putting a Zoo page on Snowed Inn is to show the viewers about the animals that are near the Inn. This movie appeals to the visitors because it will make them want to go to a nearby zoo.

  • Possibilities

This assignment worked very well because I knew exactly what I was doing and it was super easy. It all worked out well. I would do it differently by making the movie longer. The content could be enhanced by more colors and themes to choose. If I were to create this movie again it would be even easier and I would get it done much faster because I know now exactly what to do. I would definitely be able to train a novice to make this movie.

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